Tuesday 6 January 2015

A sexual Reproduction in plants using Layering


Write down the process of layering.


Layering is a method of asexual reproduction in plants. In this method a branch of plant is buried in soil. The tips of branch remain outside the soil. The roots developed from the nodes present under ground. While the shoot developed from the upper portion. This method is used in jasmine and grass plants.

asexual reproduction using layering
Layering in jasmine

asexual reproduction using layering
Layering in grass

A sexual Reproduction in plants using Cutting


What is meant by Cutting?


Cutting is a method of asexual reproduction in plants. In this method new plants directly grow from the buds present on the shoot of plant. In this method a 15 to 20 cm shoot of plant is buried in soil. New shoots and leaves are developed from the upper portion of shoot. While roots grow from the part under ground the soil. In potato new plant are developed from buds present on pits called eyes. In bryophyllum plant new plant grow from its leaves. Buds are present in notches of leaves. This method is used in plants like rose, potato and sugarcane.

A sexual reproduction in potato
Buds in Potato

a sexual reproduction in sugarcane
Buds (eyes) in sugarcane

Types of Reproductions in Plants


How many types of reproduction are found in plants?


Two types of reproduction are found in plants.
  1. Sexual Reproduction
  2. Asexual Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction:-

In sexual reproduction special reproductive cells of plants are involved. Pollination and fertilization lead to sexual reproduction in plants. Seeds are formed in plants in result of pollination and fertilization. New plants grow up from seeds.

Asexual Reproduction:-

If new plants are produced directly from other parts of plants, e.g. from stem or leaf it is called asexual reproduction. Cutting, Layering and grafting are methods of asexual reproduction. Plants grown from asexual reproduction exactly like parent plant.
Reproduction in Plant
Reproduction in Plant

Monday 5 January 2015

Unit No 1 (short Questions)

Question No: 1

Why butterflies and moths visit flowers one after other?


Butterflies and moths visit flowers because they collect nectar (Honey) for their food.
Science Notes
Why butterfly and moths visit flowers

Question No:2

Define fertilization.


When pollen grain the male cell of flower fuses with ovule the female cell of flower it is called fertilization.
Fertilization in Plants
Fertilization in Plants

Question No:3

Which organisms carry out pollination in plants?


Insects, Bird and many other animals carry out pollination in plants.
Pollination in Plants
Pollination in Plants

Question No:4

How seeds and fruits are dispersed?


Seeds and fruits are dispersed by following ways.
1. by Air
2. by Water
3. By Animals, Birds and men
How Seeds are dispersed?
How Seeds are dispersed?

Question No:5

Seeds dispersed by men and animal are of what kind?


Hard and small seeds or seed with rough surface and bristles on them are dispersed by men and animals.
Seeds dispersed by Humans
Seeds dispersed by Humans

Question No:6

Write down the different methods of asexual reproduction.


Following are types of a sexual reproduction.
  1. Cutting
  2. Layering
  3. Grafting 

Question No:7

How many types of reproduction are found in plants?


Two types of reproduction are found in plants.